
Thursday, February 17, 2011


Miracles happen and our children are living proof. You got through the long pregnancy. You got through the difficult NICU struggles, now what lies ahead for your child? I intend to go through each and every issue cdh children can have in order to give you knowledge. In my opinion knowledge is more than power. It is my everything.

I don't hold all the answers. I can give you my research and my understandings. I am not a doctor or a nurse. I am just a Mother of a cdh child that cares deeply. I fought through this beast of a birth defect with my family. It took a hold of us and shook us to the core. We grew together closer than we could have ever imagined. I feel it is my job to educate and grow wiser so to always keep up to date with the latest information on congenital diaphragmatic hernias.

If I can help one person ease this journey or bring light to an arising problem then I have done my job. One thing I've learned is that you MUST listen to your heart. A gut feeling is what kept my Ava alive.

You are not alone. You are not the only parent to walk this road. Diaphragmatic hernia was life changing when it happened but after you adjust and it becomes your new normal. We can get through this together!

~ Terri Helmick